Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dreams About Food and Tarot Cards

Weird. I seem to dream about food a lot. Last night, I dreamed I was at a McDonald's. I got in line, ordered french fries, ate them while I talked on the phone. Then, they were about to close, so I got back in line. There were two people ahead of me and one person in the line next to me. Each time, the cashier reminded them they were closing soon. When I got up to the counter, I demurely and tentatively asked for a pint of milk. The cashier was pleasantly surprised.

In another dream, I was given a tarot reading by someone I know. 10 of wands was in the reading and I thought that it was in the "conclusion" position but was actually in the "hopes and fears" position. (Yes, I was doing that spread. Strange, because it's not one of my preferred tarot spreads.) Also, I thought one of the cards was 7 of cups, but upon closer look turned out to be 4 of cups. It was not, as I thought, the case that the situation was vice-ridden and over-emotional but dissipating. Rather, it was filled with pleasantries, but was too passive to move beyond that. The person giving the reading was sympathetic and apologetic.

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