Thursday, June 2, 2011

Library Dreams

I had a dream last night that I was walking through a used bookstore. I was trying to find the Psychology section, because I wanted to get some Jung. I became distracted by a book that contained an interview with a librarian. I thought this would be a good way of figuring out what working in a library was really like. I was trying to decide whether or not I ought to buy the book, or even carry it with me, as I still wanted to find where the books by Jung were. Suddenly, a man at an information desk told me, "Why read about librarians? Why don't you just find one and ask them?"

I left, and I was in Spain...or an island off the coast of Spain...and there was ocean everywhere. It was breathtaking. I saw a place that advertised "most rooms have ocean views" as it had sharp edges and a strange architecture and some didn't face the ocean directly. I wanted to stay there, but wasn't sure if I would get an ocean view. I sat in a courtyard, eating. I was at a conference. I was sad that I was staying at the Caribe Hilton, since I'd vowed to never stay in a Hilton again. Also, I had checked in but never got my key card, and was worried they wouldn't give it to me, but then someone at my table pointed out that I checked in before 3 pm, my room probably just wasn't ready yet. One of the other conference attendees informed me that the Caribe Hilton wasn't our conference hotel, the conference hotel was actually downtown, far from the beach. I wondered how I could have made such a foolish mistake. I mentioned perhaps I should switch to the conference hotel, but they seemed to think that was a bad idea.

Then I was at a factory. I received a frantic message from Rob about some sort of danger, or something going horribly awry at work, so I was trying to call him. Then, he came in, I ran over to see if everything was okay, but he was busy on a conference call and signaled me to wait. We were in some office in the factory. The librarian book was on the desk.

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